Fanity Mission

Our Mission

Finding the most exciting and novel ways to increase charitable engagement in festival communities through social media and corporate sponsorship, inspired by fan art.

Fanity encourages individuals to become aware and engage a broad spectrum of charitable causes.

With musical artists as the root of inspiration, Fanity allows festival goers to embrace their creativity and share it via social media.

Music festivals present the perfect environment for music lovers to express their appreciation and engage with whatever musical artist most resonates with their creative impulses.

You don’t need to be a nonprofit or a foundation to make a difference. We want people to know they can contribute to charitable causes on their own terms.


Welcome to Fanity!

This is an exciting new business venture that aims to connect professionals in the music industry, artists, fans, festival goers, and charitable organizations. Through Fanity, festival goers are encouraged to create fan art, using a multitude of mediums for a nominal donation to a charity of their choice. Fanity is funded through sponsorships, volunteers, and music festival interns with all proceeds supporting Fanity’s partner charities.

Many people have asked me how the idea of Fanity came about. After spending a summer with my music-loving teenage daughters driving from music festival to music festival watching their passion for music and festivals flourish, we did not want to see the summer of music come to an end. As they tried to “extend” their summer experience, they began expressing their passion through artwork. My home became filled with “fan art” and my business brain took over. I have all this wonderful artwork that the musicians and festivals would love, and so would other fans. As a classically trained musician myself who has spent years in the music industry supporting many families from disabled and challenged backgrounds, I began asking myself questions. How do I share this with the music world? How can I make this benefit the world? How can I blend my passion for my girls, my passion for music and my passion for giving? Wham...Fanity was born...

So, how on earth does this work? Festival goers can visit the Fanity tent to refresh, recharge, and create art to be shared with the world via social media all while being exposed to our sponsors brands and products. As Fanity gains popularity and support, I plan to expand into even more festivals and begin engaging creative teenagers in local high schools to nurture their relationships with charitable causes at a more impressionable age. With an expanded reach, volunteer, and internship opportunities for students in search of experience will be abundant.

We hope you consider joining and contributing to our cause in your own capacity!

Sharon Thomason-Sekyi
Founder and CEO



Fanity inspires festival goers to engage and connect with their favorite bands through fan art. Fanity brings attendees, charitable causes, and musical artists together.
